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Code of Conduct

The Confederation of Business Referral Associates LTD T/A The Cobra Club



The Cobra Club is an online business centre and networking hub. Although it is online the same formalities apply as if you were walking into a real business centre or networking group.

We all know that networking can be uncomfortable at times, sometimes we stand there waiting to be engaged in conversation wishing the floor would open up and swallow us whole. That is why at The Cobra Club we engage with visitors and new members to make them feel welcome.

The Cobra Club has social media groups and a community platform as ways of communicating with members via the website. The code of conduct applies to all these forms of communication and any that arise in the future that are not listed here.

Online networking is unlike networking in regular face to face networking groups. In the real-world people can walk away from each other, in the online world this is harder to do, and no one should be subject to listening to people or comments that cause offence. This is not tolerated at The Cobra Club. Below is a list of all the areas that club members should be aware of and is a condition of being one of our members.

The code of conduct also includes standards that members must adhere to in relation to their business activities. These can be found in The Code of Business Ethics which is listed on this page.

Language & Remarks

Whilst for the most part friendly banter, language and heckling can be a source of fun and amusement there comes a time where this crosses the line. If a member uses poor judgement and is deemed to have crossed the line, then we have a zero tolerance towards it.

This can be in the form of:

  • language which causes upset
  • language which causes offence to others
  • language that is damaging to individuals
  • inflammatory remarks
  • derogatory remarks

Protected Characteristics

No members, visitor, or anyone our organisation deals with receives less favourable treatment because of their Protected Characteristics. The protected characteristics are: –

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender Reassignment
  • Marriage and Civil Partnership
  • Pregnancy and Maternity
  • Race (including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin)
  • Religion or Belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual Orientation

Club Member Responsibilities

Each one of us is an ambassador and a stakeholder in the success of this club. We expect you to make a positive contribution towards maintaining an environment of opportunity throughout our organisation. Please make sure you always observe this policy. In particular, you have an individual responsibility to adopt the following: –

  • Do not take unlawful discriminatory actions or decisions contrary to the spirit of this code of conduct policy document.
  • Do not discriminate against, harass, abuse, or intimidate anyone on account of their protected characteristics.
  • Do not place pressure on any other club member to act in a discriminatory manner.
  • Resist pressure to discriminate placed on you by others and report such approaches to your club leader.
  • Co-operate when we investigate, including providing evidence of conduct which may amount to discrimination.
  • Co-operate with any measures introduced to develop or monitor equal opportunity.

Discrimination is not just treating one person less favourably than another. It can take place because:

  • Someone associates with a person with a protected characteristic.
  • Someone is believed to possess a protected characteristic (even though they do not).
  • Something particularly disadvantages people who share a protected characteristic more than others.

We expect you to treat, and be treated by, other members and the people our organisation deals with considerately and with respect.

If you feel subject to discrimination, make clear to the individual concerned that you find it unacceptable.  Person-to-person discussion at an early stage may be enough to resolve it without involving anyone else.  Alternately, seek the help of a trusted member and ask them to approach whoever has caused you offence.

If the behaviour continues, or you consider an instance to be particularly serious, please contact the senior leadership team.  We assure you that breaches of this code of conduct policy will be dealt with promptly and in a discrete and caring manner.

Please contact

Non-Harassment and Bullying Policy

Our Policy

We support your right and opportunity to seek, obtain and hold membership of The Cobra Club without discrimination and with respect for your dignity. We expect and require everyone to recognise and observe the statutory protected characteristics.

Bullying and harassment in The Cobra Club are discriminatory acts which are unacceptable and in most cases; unlawful.  We are committed to providing a networking environment which is harmonious and acceptable to all. We extend this principle to the people our organisation deals with.

What Is Bullying?

Bullying may be characterised as “offensive, malicious, intimidating or insulting behaviour”. It can be an “abuse or misuse of power through means that undermine, humiliate, denigrate or injure the recipient”.

What Is Harassment?

Harassment is “unwanted conduct related to a relevant protected characteristic, which violates an individual’s dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual”.

Harassment is not only unacceptable language or behaviour which causes the recipient to be embarrassed, offended or threatened. Someone may complain about a particular behaviour that they find offensive even though it was not directed at them. Neither does the person complaining need to possess a particular protected characteristic. It may also be behaviour directed at someone who associates with a person who has a protected characteristic or because they are believed to possess a protected characteristic (even if they do not).

Your Responsibilities

It is your duty to treat people with respect; appreciating their feelings and considering their well-being in what you say or do. What may be acceptable to one person may upset and/or intimidate another.  Bullying and harassment take many forms and can range from relatively mild banter to threatening or actual physical violence. They can be delivered in many ways and this code of conduct policy applies to all forms of communication including text messages, email and comments posted on social networking sites.

Some Examples

The following are examples of behaviour which we find unacceptable: –

  • Coarse or insensitive jokes and pranks.
  • Coarse or insensitive comments about appearance or character.
  • Display or distribution of offensive material whether written or pictorial.
  • Deliberate exclusion or isolation from conversation or activities.
  • Unwelcome familiarity.
  • Abusive, insulting, or threatening language.
  • Demands, threats or abuse of power to intimidate or obtain favours.
  • Threatening behaviour.

This is not intended as an exhaustive list.

We will investigate all allegations of such behaviour. Offenders are liable to decisive action and, in serious cases will be ejected from The Cobra Club.

If you feel you are being bullied or harassed, the first step is to make clear you want it to stop. Tell the person bullying or harassing you that you find such behaviour unacceptable.  Person-to-person discussion at an early stage is often enough to stop harassment. Alternately, you could seek the help of a trusted member and ask them to approach the person causing offence on your behalf.

If the behaviour continues, or you consider an instance to be particularly serious, please contact the Senior Leadership Team.  We assure you that breaches of this code of conduct policy will be dealt with promptly and in a discrete and caring manner. Where you make or support a complaint in good faith, you will not be victimised for doing so whatever transpires. Please contact

In essence, The Cobra Club is a professional business club and we do not accept intolerance or unprofessional behaviour whether it is intentional or unintentional. All members of the Cobra Club are here to grow their business and create opportunities for themselves and their fellow members. This is the spirit of the club.

If a club leader finds members not adhering to this code of conduct, then they have the responsibility to report and liaise with the Senior Leadership Team who will make a judgement and may terminate a member’s membership with immediate effect. The senior leadership team will communicate in a clear and effective manner with the parties to resolve the issue. This should happen within 48 hours of the initial communication.

The Code of Business Ethics

By being part of our community and using The Cobra Club to generate opportunities and business, you agree to abide by our code of business ethics.

They are as follows:

  • Be a supportive member of the community and display a positive attitude to other members.
  • Be honest and keep members informed about their referrals.
  • Provide the goods at the price quoted and inform if there are any hidden costs or additional charges associated from the outset or in a reasonable manner.
  • Provide a good quality product and / or standard of service.
  • Be ethical in the way you conduct your business building on trust and goodwill.
  • Pay any agreed commissions due in a reasonable timeframe.
  • If you are governed by ethical standards of your specific profession, then follow these in the first instance.

Making and handling a complaint

If you are unhappy about a members conduct you are urged to handle this in a professional manner in the first instance with the member concerned. If there is no reasonable satisfactory resolution or conclusion to this matter, then you are welcome to report this to The Cobra Clubs senior leadership team who will investigate the matter further and try to resolve this issue as quickly, efficiently, and delicately as possible. Please e-mail in the first instance. We will respond to your complaint within 2 working days and then keep you informed at every stage until the complaint is resolved.

If a club member is found to be in breach of the Code of Conduct policy bought about by another member then their membership will be terminated. All terminations of a club members membership is final whether it is made by a club leader the senior leadership team or the head office. There is no appeal process. You will not be welcome back. The Cobra Club takes its responsibilities seriously and behaviour that brings The Cobra Club into disrepute will be managed by whatever means legally and appropriately available to us.

Any member that is removed from the group will also have their member profiles removed from websites and social media channels.  

The Cobra Club is fantastic club and a great opportunity for business leaders to network and build their companies in a safe and managed online space. We take pride in our organisation and thank everyone for adhering to our Code of Conduct Policy document.

If you have any questions or concerns about anything in this document or at your club then please speak to your club leader in the first instance. In the unlikely event that you need to take this matter further then please e-mail


We may revise these Code of Conduct Policies at any time by amending this page. You are expected to check this page from time to time to take notice of any changes we make, as they are legally binding on you. Some of the provisions contained in the Code of Conduct Policy may also be superseded by provisions or notices published elsewhere on our site.